
Thursday, April 16, 2009


Got my email today from MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences - nope. But hey, I stayed in the running till mid-April. That's good, right? Still haven't heard back from Vancouver, but I don't hold much hope.

I keep asking myself what is wrong with me that I'm moving just as things are becoming beautiful again? My last week in MN, the weather was warm, the city was unfolding - I came home and immediately was buried in ten inches of snow. Beauty stands out in a city by contrast; I used to find plenty of beautiful moments in Flint. Right now, here in the 'burb, I'm having trouble seeing any.

It's really, really nice to be around my family again, though. I had missed them so much. My sister will be here this weekend, and so will my grandmother and an aunt and uncle. Quest is under three hours away, and last weekend we enjoyed a very cold and windy beach, crocuses, a small and happy dog, an antiques mall, and talk of pie in a bread bowl. And my mom's cat purrs at me now that I've been in the house for over a week, instead of running away or making weird little angry cat noises.


  • Ahh, pie in a bread bowl. Cake in a bread bowl. BREAD IN A BREAD BOWL! BRING ME MY BREAD.

    Bummer about the letters. If you need to get out of town for a bit, I am over here.

    By Blogger christina, at 6:27 PM  

  • excellent. I may need to do that. My sister was in town this weekend, though, so that was good - but soon I will call to tell you that I am on my way over and to be prepared to imbibe Jameson in a bread bowl.

    By Blogger Liz, at 12:21 PM  

  • Aw, Lizzie. Sorry about the schools. I think they're absolutely ridiculous for missing out. Their loss. Their huge, huge, huge, massive loss.

    I'm not saying you're awesome, I'm just calling you fat.

    (Um, yeah. Leave it to me when you write a sentimental post to make some obscure comment about fatness. ...also, you're not fat at all. In fact, you're quite unfat.)

    Really, hang in there. Call when needed, and consider coming back to Minnesota where the cool people live. Christina has had you long enough.

    By Blogger Jean., at 10:39 AM  

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