
Saturday, January 03, 2009


So. I asked a guy out. He said yes (whee!). However, we have yet to actually go out or to dinner or whatever. I asked him before Christmas, and, as it's past New Year now, I find my interest flagging (what, no immediate gratification?). Please tell me if it is, at this point, improper or unladylike to say to him: DUDE. THERE'S A WINDOW.

I think I'll press this issue next time I see him. Any suggestions? No, Weasel, I will not hurl myself bodily upon him. Only spiritually.


  • Liz! Call him and give him a time,date, and location.

    He'll be there.

    By Blogger Jean., at 1:53 PM  

  • It wouldn't hurt to check up and nonchalantly mention it.

    Or you could mention that your window is currently open and he has to act soon if he wants to get inside of it . . . Ahem.

    By Blogger Nathan, at 12:07 PM  

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