
Sunday, March 01, 2009

trudge trudge trudge trudge

trudge trudge trudge trudge
shovel your side walks moth er fuck ers

One problem with abandoned buildings is that no one takes care of the sidewalks. How's it goin' over there, Flint?

At least the trudging makes for a nice rhythm. I used to compose limericks on the frigid walk from MSU to the What's Up. Da-da-trudge da-da-trudge da-da-trudge (or, with the amphibrach, da-trudge-da da-trudge-da da-trudge-da. Meter choice depended on how icy it was.).

PS - in case anyone wants to know how cool I am, I chopped off a piece of my thumb yesterday while making dinner. Like, totally off. Had to find the little piece before continuing to sauté. Dear self: WRONG. THE ONIONS ARE WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CUTTING. And boy, did that hurt! All those nice oniony sulfates finding their way past my integumentary system! But that wasn't the end of it. And so we find Entry 1 in the "this is how cool I am" category: I can say "Dinner last night went wrong in so many ways" without any irony. I rock so hard.


  • Words I Had Never Seen Before Reading This Blog Post:


    Combinations Of Words I Had Never Seen Before This Blog Post:

    oniony sulfates

    I love your posts so much.

    PS I would totally buy a book of Lizard Poetry.

    PPS How big a piece of thumb??

    WV: tecreons. The most recently discovered set of sub-atomic particles. They make protons when injected with insferin.

    By Blogger Chad, at 2:36 PM  

  • I shall have to supply you with more posts! Thumb: not large enough a piece to need to stitch myself up (I guess I do have a few calluses left), but big enough to have to apply pressure for a minute or two to stop the bleeding.

    I wonder if tecreons, given a reverse spin and combining in the absence of insferin, are what power the TARDIS. Did I ever tell you that David Tennant as Dr. Who reminds me SO MUCH of you? It's pretty cool (if, by cool, one reads "ge-guh").

    Poetry! I won't go into it all now (I can explain in more detail this week if you like), but I was having an incredibly long and detailed inner quadrialog involving someone (X?) challenging me to write a chapbook in a month - I accepted, and one of the poems was dedicated to you! I'll do my best to remember it - I'm afraid it's all gone like a dream.

    See you Wednesday!

    PS - WAY to combine word vers from multiple posts. You are so meta.

    By Blogger Liz, at 3:10 PM  

  • I don't even know what any of those comments are. You sciencey losers.

    Liz, I am concerned about this thumb. More concerned that you'd have considered sewing it back on by yourself...

    By Blogger Jean., at 3:48 PM  

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