
Monday, February 05, 2007

Venice is Doomed.

Thanks to global warming, Venice will soon no longer be made of canals and islands – it will be made of water. Penguins are also doomed. While I was home for Christmas, my dad and I heard about an ice shelf the size of Jamaica that had broken off of Antarctica and floated out to sea. Then the currents, winds, whatever shifted, and the ice shelf slammed back into the continent, throwing up a range of ice mountains and opening huge crevasses. The penguins that were in the interior at the time were trapped there and couldn’t get to food; the penguins that were out to sea couldn’t get back to the colony. All these penguins kept trying to get from one side to another and falling in the crevasses and dying. The penguin bodies were just piling up and piling up, filling these crevasses. The scientists think this will be an extinction event. Goodbye, Antarctic emperor penguins.


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