
Friday, January 12, 2007

In Celebration

of my first day without painkillers in about two weeks, I offer this tidbit:

Just before we left McGoff's tonight, the Bottler's friends (slash employees?) from Maverick 4 started to scream, "Take your pants off!"

A look at how traditions are started - the bridge from Writers' Bloc to Limerick Night. Awesome.

Guten Nacht!


  • I look at how RUMORS get started. "Liz, you took your pants off?!?! Hey everyone, Liz took her pants off at McGoff's!"--Ah yes, the bridge between the truth and salacious falsehood. Or IS it true? "Liz took her pants off!" Yep, that's how rumors get started. Awesome.

    By Blogger Chris, at 5:11 AM  

  • did you get my shirt?! did my note work? did you get excused from gym class?

    ...oh, and about those Canadian coins... what the hell do they "spy" on? the inside of one's pocket? Are they trying to see if the US is over-lint-y? Or how much change we keep in our change drawers? Or how much we hate Canadian coins because they don't work in our soda machines.

    SO, I hear you totally took your pants off at McGoff's last night. Nice, Liz. Real nice.

    By Blogger Jean., at 7:54 AM  

  • Jean - sorry, sorry, but no! I didn't catch Boots on his break, and he was still playing when I left. Don't worry, though - I shall track him down and make sure he knows why I don't have to run laps.

    CAB - what about salacious truth? You know that's always a possibility when I'm around.

    By Blogger Liz, at 9:04 AM  

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