
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Finding My Past

Unpacking was eventful this weekend.

Side note: yes, now that I am no longer teaching a six-class semester (which I will never do again if possible), I do have time to unpack. If only I could have done this five months ago, which is about when I moved in.

Anyway. I've been finding all sorts of stuff, from my box of books I've had since I was a kid (included: Twig, The Stranger, The Omega Man, and an A. E. Van Vogt collection - this may explain a lot) to clothes that will never fit me again to three separate sets of dishes. More on all of this another time, but the cool thing was what I got out just now.

I had this thing that was made of metal. It folded up in a complicated way, and part of it was rusty. I never figured out just what it was, but I knew that it was something. Something important. Therefore, I threw it in a box when I packed up - what, eight years ago? Something like that - and did not think of it in the interim.

Three minutes ago, I picked it up, fooled around for five seconds, and realized it was a fold-out hatchet! Neatest of neat! This is more dangerous for me to have around than scissors, though, as I've already had to restrain my impulse to chop away at my kitchen table just to see how well this thing has held up. It's pretty. Pics later, if you're lucky! Or unlucky, depending on what you expect from a blog!

Till next time, when we find out WHAT WAS UNDER ALL THAT TAPE. Dun dun duunnnnn.


  • I believe that things that you put year ago in a box and never looked for them and didn't need them throw them direct to the trush you probably wont need them in the future

    By Anonymous לימודי הוראה, at 10:25 PM  

  • this post contains deep emotional feels of a character. pass4sure

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:40 AM  

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