
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A present for a special day

It’s Donna’s birthday today! I found out last night. When I came home with the news, the conversation went like this:

Me: It’s Donna’s birthday tomorrow.
Greg: We should give her Chad in a bow. [AS DONNA] I get what I want on my birthday, Chad. Wink, wink!
Me: Aagh!

Happy birthday, Donna – Chad, we’ll keep you safe.

PS - Pub 500 at 5 (I'm pretty sure) for any well-wishers who want to drop by.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

a challenge?

Dear Matt,

In the words of Tobias Fünke, BOO-YAH!

I once met a man named Guvusa
And thought it was time to peruse a
New specimen of
Hot physical love,
But his pants off reveal’d a Medusa!

I wrote down the word on another piece of paper, and then when I looked back here, I saw that it was “guvusUa” – I missed that last U. I lose! Waaaaaah! But give me another and I shall not disappoint you.


A failed and contrite Liz

PS – The short lines seem a little clunky, but I’ll keep working on them.

The challenge, by the way, was to make a limerick out of Matt's word verification from his last comment. I never pass up a good challenge. Keep 'em coming.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

just you wait!

I suppose the one-post-a-year thing is getting old. I pledge to blog at least once a month. Hey, while my thesis is still in the works, I think that's fair. I'll try to post more, esp. with spring break coming up, but we'll see.

Interesting things:

I've found that I have more fun composing blog entries in my head than actually posting. It's fun to think of how I might talk about something, but actually talking/complaining about it on a public page is a bit daunting. I shall try to overcome this.

Chad, regarding dates: "They're like a cross between a grape and a steak."

Tonight is both Good Thunder and Limerick Night! I admit I'm more excited about the latter, though I plan to attend both. Tonight, I'm going to take on the word "macademia." Wish me luck.

To read a brilliant limerick, see Matteo-san's comment on my last post. I don't think "quinny" is actually a word, but I want it to be. I'll try to fit it into conversations (which may prove awkward, considering the body part it refers to).

I'll be pulling a Sween until I learn HTML. To all of you who clicked the bold above, I will laugh at you only in my heart, not in public.

More in April!