
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Altitude sickness symptoms, or, Why are the birds laughing at me?

After reading a certain blog, I was ready to go enjoy some summery degree weather in Arizona. When we landed in Phoenix, it was about 79. Guess what the temperature was when I woke up this morning?


That’s because Flagstaff, unlike Phoenix, is waaaaay up in the mountains. We’re sitting at about 8000 feet. Mankato is at 1000, just for reference.

I didn’t even bring a jacket.

It’s extremely dry here in the semi-desert. My hair is almost completely straight, and our professor’s hair, normally a soft explosion, is only wavy. The low oxygen level is making the hiking around just a little difficult. On the up side, I look like I have consumption – pale skin, high color, dilated pupils. By Monday, I’ll be seeing spots. Sexy, no?

Truly, though, it’s not that bad. It’s beautiful here, and the air smells strange but good – sort of a mixture of pine and cinders. There was a prescribed burn going on when we drove in last night, and the smoke was still lifting this morning. This is one of the Dark Sky Cities, which is great – especially with the Orionid shower. I had forgotten how long it had been since I’d seen the Milky Way. Looking up seemed a kind of homecoming.

And yes, it’s colder here than in Minnesota, but only for a few hours after sunrise. The air is so clear and thin that the sun cuts right into the skin. Walking to NAU this morning, the frost and ice held in the shade, but the air quickly became warm enough for me in just my teacher clothes. I've been nerding out over sessions on the pragmatics of modals and semi-modals and the use of corpora in second language teaching. Whee!

Still wish I could see everyone's 14-year-old horror, though. Hope everyone's having an excellent Highland Days - I will expect pictures of the revelry.

By the way, you know that thing people say about ravens sounding like they’re laughing? I walked by a bunch of them this morning, and it’s totally true. I’m not talking gentle chuckle, either – they sound like they’re laughing at you because you stubbed your toe or your mom died. The word that’s always used – raucous – is the perfect descriptor. It’s fucking creepy.


  • My wife would put a knife in me to see the Orionids. Well, maybe not, but she'd really like to see them.

    Let me be the first to say, "Sorry, Ivan, that the Tigers lost game 1." I really wanted them to sweep, because I really hate the NL. Plus, the Tigers are my #2 team (based on long-time underdog rankings)

    By Blogger Jason, at 8:44 PM  

  • I am so jealous that you are in Flagstaff. I also love the term "Dark Sky City." Even if it doesn't mean anything nearly as ominous as it sounds.

    Hope you're having fun, post some pics when you get back!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:12 PM  

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