
Friday, August 20, 2004

Blogging- what?

I did like this aspect of the course. It's the first time I've blogged. I haven't done any online writing in years. I can't say it worked as a learning resource, though it might be a valid research tool for students (if they could make sure their sources are reliable). It works well as a reflective tool as long as the writer looks back over what she's written. Otherwise, it's a way to freewrite, but nothing is gained from it. Rereading old entries is a decent way to reflect.
I'm not sure if I'd do this for a class. Comp 101 journals, maybe. A higher-level class might benefit from it, especially if there were prompts relating to a reading assignment. It could also be a good way to generate paper ideas and coherent ideas. I liked this kind of reflection better than traditional essays in 621.


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