
Friday, July 28, 2006

Have a magical fucking day.

I actually had a lot of fun, interesting things to write about this summer, but they have been kind of overshadowed by my being fired today for no good reason by a man who wouldn't even look me in the eye as he did it. Three of us went down together. And when this company fires you, you find your own way home.

From fucking Orlando.

Anyway, I'll be home earlier than planned - I'm stopping in Michigan for my grandmother's 80th birthday, where I'll see relatives who came in from England for the event. I'm excitied about that - I've met them only once, and I'll probably never see them again after this. After that, Ivanovich and Blue and I will come back to 'Kato, and I'll fill in the details of the good parts of the summer.

I was worried I would have to Greyhound it up for more than eleven hundred miles (more than a full day on the bus!), but my sister found me the cheapest flight ever. Hooray! I just hate the way this ended - I really liked the guys I was working with, and now things are all fractured. I was looking forward to hanging out for a few more nights, maybe drinking some Yuengling by the pool, but one is already on his way home and the other is having his hand X-rayed to see if he broke it when he punched the door on his way out from being fired. This really put a damper on the summer. Fucking DH. Four fucking years. Grrrr.

Oh, well. I was trying to figure out how to break my ties with this company, since I don't want to work for them for the rest of my life. I guess that problem's taken care of. At this point, I just hope I'm able to say goodbye to everyone before I leave tomorrow morning. No more bad dancing for me.