
Friday, June 02, 2006

Delayed Thesis Thanks

It's over! Has been for almost two months! And I haven't been keeping up!

A big, gooey pile of thanks goes to the Speardane. I searched for months for a translation of some Japanese characters (without which I would have had to delete one of my sources) before realizing that, hey, I know someone in Japan. I emailed him a few days before going to bond, and he had me a translation within hours. Domo arigato, sensei!

Same to Ganglebot, who fielded a call from me the night before my defense, when Ivanovich’s parents had just left. I called in a state I don’t think I’ve been in more than two or three times before or since. The following is much condensed, but it captures the tone.

Phone: Ring.
Ganglebot: Hello?
Me: I don’t think I’ve ever said this before, but I need a drink.

The Ganglebot talked me down from that ledge, and instead of getting blotto when I had to defend at 8AM, I settled for second-best: Ganglebot wished me luck in French. It reminded me of the theatre’s “Break a leg” – he said to me, “Je te souhaite de la merde!” This translates roughly to “I wish you shit!” Well, GB, your shit worked – I passed, and my committee said working on my thesis was “fun.” Yay!

My sincerest congratulations go out to the rest of us MAs who made it through. MFAs, I congratulate you, too, but insincerely. No, I'm kidding. I'm just jealous that you all have terminal degrees now (not the same as the end-of-the-line degree, which mostly means "not crazy enough to go for a doctorate").

More coming, I swear. I now have a backlog of blog topics, but I’m puppysitting and am pretty much cut off from the world – no phone service and spotty internet. More on puppies next time! Plus pictures! If I can figure that out!

Oh, yeah, and I graduated. Whee. But I’ll be around for another year.